Noch €99,00 until free shipping

dog food for small and large dogs

Leopold's Finest offers a selection of high-quality dog ​​food and treats for small and large dogs. The products are rich in natural ingredients, have no added sugar and are of human quality. Discover our selected range. 100% handmade in Germany .

Hundefutter für kleine und größere Hunde


"This is the third delivery, my dachshund and I are very satisfied. The last delivery was within 24 hours. As always, lovingly packaged and the quality is outstanding. I can only highly recommend Leopold's Finest. The next order is sure to come!"


"Very friendly staff, excellent, high-quality goods that are not only extraordinarily beautiful but also very practical. Thank you very much, I would be happy to come back anytime!"


"I ordered a carrier bag for my dachshund puppy. The price is high, but the bag is so well made and detailed that it is definitely worth the money. The lining is so cozy that you want to lie down in it yourself. Thank you very much!"